Contribute to the legacy

$50,000 OR MORE
“To God Most Holy and Supreme” is the Latin inscription on the first cornerstone laid in Overbrook, PA. It was reported that, “On April 4, 1866, Pius IX, by Divine Providence being Pope and governing the Universal Church, Andrew Johnson, President of the United States; Andrew G. Curtin, Governor of the State of Pennsylvania: Peace being restored after Civil War, Right Reverend James Frederick, fifth Bishop of Philadelphia, laid this cornerstone of The Church and Ecclesiastical Seminary of Saint Charles Borromeo, in the presence of a large and enthusiastic concourse of Clergy and Laity.”
Today, donors in this giving level, will lay the cornerstone in preserving this great legacy for generations to come.

$25,000 OR MORE
Immaculate Conception Chapel is the name given to the first Chapel at the heart of St. Charles Borromeo Seminary. This title will also be the name of the new Chapel in Lower Gwynedd, PA. Donors in this category will give life to future Priests through their generosity. As Archbishop Ryan is quoted to say, “The Chapel is the heart of the Seminary giving life blood to future priests.”
Donors at this level will help support men discerning their call to the priesthood by investing in Mother Overbrook. Proceeds from this documentary will support priestly vocations. Future generations of seminarians will pray the Divine Office and celebrate Mass in the new Immaculate Conception Chapel.

$10,000 OR MORE
Saint Charles Borromeo, the patron of Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary, was made a Cardinal of the Church at the age of 22. Like Saint Charles himself, Donors at this level will be pioneers and create a foundation for young men to answer this call in the future while also being grounded in the rich past of those who came before us.

$5,000 OR MORE
St. John Vianney did not receive a strong education as a child and therefore struggled in the seminary. Nevertheless, he persevered and went on to become one the most beloved priests in all of France. He was canonized in 1927 and is the Patron Saint of Parish Priests. Proceeds from Mother Overbrook will help young men who are discerning a vocation to the priesthood.

$2,500 OR MORE
The annual Seminary appeal soared to unprecedented heights under the thoughtful watch of Cardinal Dougherty, who has been awarded the title, the second founder of Overbrook. Having envisioned the magnificent college Seminary building and brought it to life, donors in this category will be members of a society under his name. As he had a watchful eye over the construction; we ask for his prayers for the success of this project.

$1,000 OR MORE
Cardinal Krol said, “With great courage and foresight, Archbishop Wood acquired the beautiful and spacious Overbrook site, on which he erected the building of 1871.” Those who give to this level will have great courage and foresight of cementing this legacy into the hearts of generations to come.

UP To $999
“The Seminary stands as a monument to the faith and love of the many who have passed away . .. to us and to those who come after us, a testimony also to our faith and love, as it will likewise be a pledge of everlasting recompense.” -Archbishop Prendergast Letter on Seminary Collection, 1912
Andrew J. Golias
Rev. Richard J. Maisano
Rev. Richaed T. Bolger
Rev. Msgr. Angelo R. Citino
Rev. James C. Sherlock
Am Catholic Historical Society
Rev Daniel J. Arechabala
Rev. Joseph J. Quindlen
Mrs. Kathy Witzcak
Rev Msgr. David H. Benz
Fr. Joseph J. Kelley
Leonard N. Peterson
Msgr. Joseph A. Tracy
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